samedi 3 octobre 2009

# How far is the body punishment going ?

See this man ? His name is Frédéric Lefebvre. He is deputy in French National Assembly (for one of the most conservative region of France) and he is not supposed to have any relationship with the government whatsoever (since Montesquieu and the fact that executive and legislative power should not interfere in each other's domain) but he is part of Nicolas Sarkozy's closest friends and since France looks more and more like a 17th century monarchy, he is thus very powerful. The last idea of this very agreeable gentleman (one week after saying that in a trial the culpable is always amongst the suspects...) is to establish chemical castration in France. I don't even want to know where this chastisement is being applied in the world, I don't care either to know that some people are actually voluntaries for it, I am just wondering what the f... is going on in this country. In Discipline and Punish, Michel Foucault illustrates how punishment tries to suppress actively the human body and this example seems to be one step further in the extremity of chastisement as a symptom of a paranoid pro-security society.
And the saddest (if not Sadist) thing is that this tendency is not confined only in conservative camp, but today even people from the left wing like Segolene Royal who are supposed to embody a resistance to the system is supporting this kind of decision...
I don't really understand how all this happened...

1 commentaire:

  1. il est porte-parole de l'UMP en passant ... c pr ça qu'il parle beaucoup.
