Following you will see a commercial that have been done for a well know soda company, (it's not coca-cola!). This short 3D animation shows the ride of a race car on the Singapore Grand Prix street circuit.
It's a really interesting vision of the city , turning around the pilote and the car along the lap.
see also this past article
mardi 31 mars 2009
# Threat Level's 10 Favorite Paranoid Films by Wired

picture: Pi by Darren Aronofsky (1998)
lundi 30 mars 2009
# Giacomo Costa

found on Archidose

samedi 28 mars 2009
# CRAZY MUMBAI /// Hanging Gardens
Achieved building,
thematic INDIA
jeudi 26 mars 2009
# CRAZY MUMBAI /// Dabawalla
thematic INDIA,
mardi 24 mars 2009
# Boiteaoutils on Indian time
I am now in Mumbai for several months to work to Serie and I'll thus try to let India influence boiteaoutils.
More later...
More later...
samedi 21 mars 2009
# Forêt épileptique by Berdaguer & Pejus

Video 120min.
Collection Fond communal Marseille 1/3
ephemere installation : strobe lights, generator. A patch of forest lit by strobe lights set on frequencies oscillating between 9 and 12 hertz likely to trigger light-sensitive epileptical fits.
jeudi 19 mars 2009
# Nic Clear's Bartlett Unit 15 / Interview with Ballardian
A film by Peter Kidger, produced for Nic Clear’s Unit 15 course, ‘Crash: Architectures of the Near Future’.
Here is an interview of Nic Clear by Ballardian Simon Sellars about his Unit 15 in the Bartlett where movies are being produced to express architecture or urban issues (See this wonderful video by Peter Kidger). Nic Clear called his 2008 studio Crash: Architectures of the Near Future as an homage to James Graham Ballard and the ambiguity he magnificiently describes in his novels.
School of Architecture
mardi 17 mars 2009
# Trabeculae/Protosynthesis by Supermanoeuvre

In fact, Trabeculae is a project for last Beijing's Biennal extending a previous research called Protosynthesis which was first released for Marc Fornes' Philadelphia exhibition: Scriptedbypurpose.
Trabeculae is the result of reimagining the central atrium office tower. Replacing the traditionnal operation of repetitive extrusion, a heliotropic branching system actively seeks out those areas within the zoning envelope with greatest access to daylight. Forking and swelling in response to varing light conditions, the atrium is thus conceived as a site-specific network that traverses intellintelligently and freely from one facade to another. The atrium becomes the defining element of differentiation within otherwise normative floorplates while maintaining efficient floorscape ratios.
Within the atrium, a second order proliferation of the same system at a finer scale develops a structural meshwork - the trabeculae. The swellings and coagulationsof this topologically free structural network-within-a-network accomodate meeting & function rommes, bridges, and communication strairs as welll as supportng the attriums glazing.
An instantiation of the proto-synthesis algorithm this project embraces the specific heterogeneity of a given scenario and points towards the possibility of architecture speciation.
Project team: Dave Pigra, Iain Maxwell, Brad Rothenberg, Ezio Blasetti

Pratt Institute,
dimanche 15 mars 2009
# Venus grotto

Achieved building,
samedi 14 mars 2009
# Hemeroscopium House by Antón García- Abril

found via Archinect

Achieved building
vendredi 13 mars 2009
# Lecture of James Auger for LIFT 09

Industrial design,
mercredi 11 mars 2009
# Rouse[D] Competition

Marc Fornes of THEVERYMANY
Skylar Tibbits of SJET
Michael Ashley of MASH-ARKT
David Jackowski of ALVATRON STUDIO
Peter Macapia of DORA
Brian Dubois of 2:37AM
Jason K. Johnson of FUTURE CITIES LAB
lundi 9 mars 2009
# Woven Source by Peter Vikar (Angewandte)

Woven Source is Peter Vikar's 2008 diploma project for Greg Lynn Angewandte's studio in Vienna. He introduces his project this way:
This project explores a thick structural facade system for a contemporary library in downtown of Budapest. From one side, it reinvents the operation and relation to physical content and at the same time, it shifts the usage of the library towars a more city and event oriented direction.
This project explores a thick structural facade system for a contemporary library in downtown of Budapest. From one side, it reinvents the operation and relation to physical content and at the same time, it shifts the usage of the library towars a more city and event oriented direction.
The facade system combines the potential of structure, circulation, visual effect, enveloppe, and also creates smaller interior and exterior divisions. The majors components of this thick skin are the two interweaving layers constructed out of bent contourlines and straight stiffering members. Structurally, it works as a constant transition between a classical diagrid and a space turss condition. Due to the sophisticated control system, the skins gradiently changes the porosity of the facade and controls the amount of light for the interior spaces.

School of Architecture
samedi 7 mars 2009
# Wind 3.0 by Studio Roosegaarde 4.0

vendredi 6 mars 2009
# Urban Mobs

Cities are so far, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Cracovie, Varsovie, Bucarest
You can thus observe the global animation of all this figures as a pulsation of the crowd.
jeudi 5 mars 2009
# Blog World
What is happening when on blogspot you click on "next blog" which randomly generates a link to another blog ?
- A Spanish guy telling the story of his life
- A Norvegian girl who apparently is questionning herself about her best haircut
- A Finland woman really into babies' clothes
- An Argentina guy who seems to spend his life for cars and especially volkswagen Beetle
- A Malaysian woman interested into finance investments
This way of expressing oneself is interesting in the fact that it develops a system of reputation which increase or decrease the amount of "listeners" of what one has to say whatever the topic.
- A Spanish guy telling the story of his life
- A Norvegian girl who apparently is questionning herself about her best haircut
- A Finland woman really into babies' clothes
- An Argentina guy who seems to spend his life for cars and especially volkswagen Beetle
- A Malaysian woman interested into finance investments
This way of expressing oneself is interesting in the fact that it develops a system of reputation which increase or decrease the amount of "listeners" of what one has to say whatever the topic.

mercredi 4 mars 2009
# Taipei Performing Arts Centre by NL Architects

You may already have seen the winner OMA project of this Performing Arts Centre in Taipei, but this was NL Architects' entry. It looks retro-future and seems to inspire itself from Paul Andreu's Roissy 1 and Rogers and Piano's Pompidou Centre.
found on Archdaily
found on Archdaily

mardi 3 mars 2009
# What can a body do ? a Spinozist issue.

However, no one has hitherto laid down the limits to the powers of the body, that is, no one has as yet been taught by experience what the body can accomplish solely by the laws of nature, in so far as she is regarded as extension. No one hitherto has gained such an accurate knowledge of the bodily mechanism, that he can explain all its functions; nor need I call attention to the fact that many actions are observed in the lower animals, which far transcend human sagacity, and that somnambulists do many things in their sleep, which they would not venture to do when awake: these instances are enough to show, that the body can by the sole laws of its nature do many things which the mind wonders at.
Again, no one knows how or by what means the mind moves the body, nor how many various degrees of motion it can impart to the body, nor how quickly it can move it.
Again, no one knows how or by what means the mind moves the body, nor how many various degrees of motion it can impart to the body, nor how quickly it can move it.
Spinoza, Ethics, Note of the Proposition II of the Part III
trad: R.H.M. Elwes
picture: Exhibition Our body just arrived in Paristrad: R.H.M. Elwes
Personne, il est vrai, n’a jusqu’à présent déterminé ce que peut le Corps, c'est-à-dire l’expérience n’a enseigné à personne jusqu’à présent ce que, par les seules lois de la Nature considérée en tant seulement que corporelle, le Corps ne peut faire et ce qu’il ne peut pas faire à moins d’être déterminé par l’Ame. Personne en effet ne connaît si exactement la structure du Corps qu’il ait pu en expliquer toutes les fonctions, pour ne rien dire ici de ce que l’on observe maintes fois dans les Bêtes qui dépasse de beaucoup la sagacité humaine, et de ce que font souvent les somnambules pendant le sommeil, qu’ils n’oseraient pas pendant la veille, et ce la montre assez que le Corps peut, par les seules lois de sa nature, beaucoup de choses qui causent à son Ame de l’étonnement. Nul ne sait, en outre, en quelle condition ou par quels moyens l’Ame meut le Corps, ni combien de degrés de mouvement elle peut lui imprime et avec quelle vitesse elle peut le mouvoir.
Spinoza, Ethique, Scolie de la Proposition II de la Troisième partie
Flammarion 1965, trad :Charles Appuhn
Spinoza, Ethique, Scolie de la Proposition II de la Troisième partie
Flammarion 1965, trad :Charles Appuhn
lundi 2 mars 2009
# Gianni Pettena's clay house

Achieved building
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