In a little more than one month, next G20 summit will happen in London. These pictures has been shot during G8 summit in Genoa in 2001 by Armin Linke. They show how much streets can be used as controled canyons. A lot of western cities has been replanned during XIXth century for this kind of purposes. Napoleon the 3rd/Haussmann Paris is obviouly an example of that. No more narrow network maze within urban fabric, only wide axis police can easily control. History war used to happen outside of the cities or at its periphery at least, new conflicts are now almost exclusively happenning within cities.
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a dit…
and for Obama's visit in Strasbourg, I've heard that the inhabitants will be given passes to be able to get in and out of the city
1 commentaire:
and for Obama's visit in Strasbourg, I've heard that the inhabitants will be given passes to be able to get in and out of the city
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