This project simply proposes to create some self-sustaining settlements in rural areas, producing their own energy and food. The scale seems about right in order to imagine this micro-city being dismantle after exploiting the local resources and set-up somewhere else, waiting for the land to rest... Reaching an equilibrium between nomadism and sedentarism (agriculture being the first achievement of it), fORaLLtHEcOWS tackles an important issue of civilization and depicts an universe that strongly reminds me of Christopher Priest's Inverted world and Dan Simmons' Hyperion.
This brings me to the small criticism I would like to propose here, which is to say that this project would have probably been ever more powerful by proposing a vision of such a world rather than a diagrammatic project (despite the fact that I really like their diagrams). This vision would have started ten years after those settlements began to emerge, their structure would have rusted a bit after having moved twice of territories, the white walls would have became all dusty and the whole settlements would have invented some defensive mechanisms after having being sacked by groups of looters.
Anyway, this is my own cannibalization of somebody else' project but the even fact of such triggering of imagination proves the value of this building/city.

6 commentaires:
good job francesco!
encore un projet magnifiquement incompréhensible
Qu'est ce qui est incomprehensible Flavien ?
c'est toi l'incompréhensible!
Thanks guys, I really appreciate your interest and Leopold, I really like your "putting forward" our ideas...it's incredibly amazing....I like this kind of massive network brainstorming...bref, merci et restons connectés
By the way, I Really like the word "cannibalization"!
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