Decolonizing Architecture is a collective directed by architects Sandi Hilalm Alessandro Petti and Eyal Weizman (see former posts 1,2 and 3). This collective is organizing research groups to come up with ideas using architecture as a resistance.
This issue actually question the political aspect and the violence each architecture carries not only in the middle east but everywhere else in the world.
Here is a short text, proposing to artists, architects and designers to participate to this think tank:
The project Decolonizing Architecture, directed by architects Sandi Hilal, Alessandro Petti and Eyal Weizman and located in Bethlehem/Palestine, is dealing with a complicated architectural problem: How to deal with the future remnants of Israeli colonial Architecture – colonies and military camps – at a time these would be unplugged from the architectural political power of Israel’s regime of occupation. Architecture is used as an “arena of speculation” about possible futures for Palestine, but the project assumes as well that a viable approach to this issue is beyond the professional language of architecture and planning and incorporates varied cultural and political perspectives.
We are seeking architects, designers and artists to join us for a period of intense work of between two and eight weeks. Those joining us would be received in a live-work residency and would benefit from various cultural and political engagements in Palestine.
If you are interested to join us please send your one page CV and work samples to Alessandro Petti (info [at] decolonizing [dot] ps) noting when and for how long you wish to come to Palestine.
*The project provides a residency – studio and living space – in a comfortable house in Beit Sahur/Bethlehem, the travel expenses as well as some daily living expenses would have to be covered by the volunteering architects/designers/artists.
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