lundi 13 octobre 2008

# Saint Ouen's ice rink building

I never thought that I would post an article about one of Paul Chemetov's buildings but yesterday, I ran into his very first one, built in 1979 which is Saint Ouen's (Paris' suburb) ice rink building. This ice rink is situated six meters above the ground and, thus, keeps traffic axis under. Building's structure is made with four posts carrying two 3,60 x 0,80m beams.
Official page is interesting 'cause you can see what the building used to be in 1979.

2 commentaires:

MARKSOR a dit…

This building looks like a vintage spaceship !( most of Chemetov building )

Maybe the "young" Chemetov watched too many times Star wars (1977) or something in the air in the late 70's...

Léopold Lambert a dit…

actually "young" Paul Chemetov was already 50 years old in 1979 !
(how can you watch too many times Star Wars ?)