The book is rich of various drawings illustrating the geometrical processes applied to simple surfaces in order to achieve topological characteristics. This research matches with Giorgini's obsession for the minimal impact of a building on the ground. We can observe this obsession through the Casa Saldarini (Italy 1962) and the Liberty Center (done with Pratt's students in New York 1976) but also in other projects designed by the Italian architect which are using a more "industrial" architectural vocabulary.
A video is available on youtube showing Giorgini in the garden of the Casa Saldarini talking (in Italian) about his small scales shells but also about the house itself (starting after the 5th minute)

4 commentaires:
I am unfamiliar with his work, but intrigued by the idea of "minimal contact with the ground" is this used in the literal sense as in lacking physical connection with the ground, or is there an aspect of how the transition from ground to building. On quick observation of what you have provided, Casa Saldarinia seems to go to great lengths to narrate between ground and shell with a staged transition of materials. Personally I more intrigued by the visual honesty that is present in the supports of the form work, Multiple small elements that have a "minimal" impact with the ground by reducing their size but multiply their numbers, almost in a "death by a thousand paper cuts" sense. then by the final projects monolithic contact with the plane. But that is just me being hyper critical, this is fantastic nonetheless!
it's simply very interesting, on the work that u mention above. minimal contact.!
Wow! now I know how some construction were build, It will definitely take a lot of courage, effort and knowledge before you come out a master piece like that.
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